People often come to me saying they have a challenge putting themselves in a believable state of gratitude for things they don't actually have in their possession yet. So today's episode is a quick tip for those of you who are interested in being grateful for things that have not yet appeared as form in your life but have had a challenge creating it. Enjoy and let me know how it goes!
Episode 041: We Are The Immune System
Some might consider humanity to be a cancer that is slowly but surely eating away at the opportunity for life on planet Earth. But what if it was the opposite? What if instead of a cancer we are actually the immune system... waiting to be activated to not only heal the planet and life on it, but to empower it to perform and thrive at the highest level. We Are The Immune System! Take a listen to this week's episode for deeper insight from RMS on this subject.
Episode 40B: The List
If you enjoyed Episode 40 'Good Guys Vs. Bad Guys' this bonus episode is just a quick listing of the people Ryan mentioned as being in his Hall of Justice and includes an additional seven members.
The total list is:
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Gary Vaynerchuk
Claude Silver
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Tony Robbins
Lisa Nichols
Les Brown
Dr. Bruce Lipton
Mel Robbins
Bob Proctor
Gregg Braden
Dr. Andrew Huberman
Rich Roll
Lewis Howes
Ed Mylett
Wim Hof
Alan Watts
Eckart Tolle
David Goggins
Esther Hicks
Episode 040: Good Guys Vs Bad Guys
Have you made time to look for Super Heroes in your life?
Are you giving your attention and your energy to the Good Guys or the Bad Guys in today's world?
In Episode 40 RMS shares with you his perspective on you you'll know the difference.
Who's in YOUR Hall of Justice?
Episode 039 - Take a Look at These Hands!
Imagine that you woke for the first time today as a brand new human, but instead of being an infant, you were the full grown adult that you are now. You woke and looked at your hands and the rest of your body and recognized that you could do whatever you want with it. Who would you be? What would you do? Life would feel like a miracle. That's because it is!
Be Patient, Be Present, Be Joyful ~ A Book Review by Tim Kubiak
Time to take a break from Fall Tour and check in for some feedback!
So blessed to come across this unsolicited review of my book 'Be Patient, Be Present, Be Joyful: A First-Aid Kit for the Emotional Bumps, Scrapes, and Bruises of Life Paperback' by Tim Kubiak.
I was blessed to be a guest on Tim's podcast Bowties and Business a couple of weeks ago and as a thank you for his hospitality I sent him a copy of my book.
I'd love to reciprocate his kind words about my book, by having you stop by this link and check them out.
I always say I wrote this book for myself as much as I did for the rest of the world, and to see that intention being reflected back to me in this way is something that brings so much gratitude into my life experience.
Episode 038: Lack or Lack Thereof
What would life be like if you never felt any form of lack? What if at the very least you were immediately aware that it was there and not serving your purpose? How would your life be different? This week Ryan explores how applying this philosophy into his life over the past four days has influenced his way of being.
Episode 037: Creating Amidst the Chaos
While journaling at his son's football practice, Ryan realized how he was creating his life in the midst of the chaos of 2020 and found that it was the perfect title and topic for this week's podcast.
Episode 036: Man Goes Out for Beers and Wings with his Dad and Discovers the Secret to LIFE!
After a couple of beers and a pound or two of wings with his Dad, Ryan took a ride to his favorite Nature Preserve to sit in his car, on an end of summer evening to surround himself in nature and ponder the secret to life. He decided to record his thoughts for posterity and it ended up being not only his first podcast episode since the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic began, but possibly his most passionate, personal and powerful episode yet.
Episode 035: LOVE in All of it's Forms
Love is always the answer and in this episode Ryan tells you why.
Episode 034: The Four Minute Millionaire
Have you ever dreamed of being a Millionaire? Did you know that there are 18.6 MILLION Millionaires in the US alone? Today's episode is a quick reminder that if money is your thing, than becoming a millionaire could be more realistic than you think.
Episode 033: Coping vs Creating
In the very first episode of the New Year and the New Decade, Ryan jumps right into his thoughts on the difference between coping vs creating and reacting vs responding. Are we living a life to be just good enough to get by or are we making the time, creating the thoughts and the actions that will give us the existence that we deserve and desire?
Episode 032: Johnny Appleseed
In episode 32 Ryan Stanley compares his more than likely historically inaccurate version of the tale of Johnny Appleseed to how we live our lives every day and the seeds we plant every day, everywhere we go. What will your seeds grow to be?
Episode 031: Joyfully Productive
To be productive is one thing, but to intend to be joyfully productive can add a whole other layer to enjoying the experience of life in who you are and what you have accomplished at the end of any given day. This is episode 31.
Episode 030: The Video Game of Life
While driving down to Asbury Park to see some live music, Ryan has an idea for a podcast/audio blog episode so he records it and it turns into this week's episode. This week's episode is about showing up to the adventure of life with same intentions as you might show up to play a video game. How will you score the most points?
Episode 029: As Much Fun as Humanly Possible
Have you ever had as much fun as humanly possible? In this week's episode, Ryan reminds us that Fun can be a choice, and the more often we make that choice, the more fun we will have.
Episode 028: Hide and Seek
We hide from our dreams and seek our fears and problems... is that the way the game is supposed to be played? Somehow I think it's supposed to be the opposite. For five or six minutes of my thoughts on this, check out Episode 028 and start tomorrow off with Ready or Not, here I come!
Episode 027: Decisions Decisions
Decisions Decisions! If only we knew how power behind decision making and how often we need to make the same decision to see the results and stay on purpose. For more on this from Ryan's perspective check out Episode 27!
Episode 026: Be Who You Want Your Kids to Be
We often ask a lot of our kids, and don't always show up in a way that matches our expectations of them. In this weeks short and simple audioblog Ryan points out the opportunity that all of have to be who we want our kids to be.
Episode 025: What are you Pointing at??
Hey guys! Episode 25 is up and ready for your listening pleasure. When we think about things, we are in a sense pointing at them on a quantum level. Are you aware at what you're pointing at every day? If you could step outside yourself and see what you were constantly pointing at what would you change? What are you pointing at right now? Point your mouse on the link and let me know what you think in the comments below!