Strong for Performance ~ Episode 64 ~ How to Stop Selling and Start Serving

As so many of our kids are going 'Back to School' this week the RMS Summer 2020 Podcast Tour is focusing on those Service Oriented Solopreneurs out there who are interested in going 'Back to School' for sales.

I was blessed to be invited to join Meredith Bell on her Strong for Performance podcast.

Check out the video below and you’ll discover:

• The #1 area coaches struggle with in their coaching practices

• How Kirk Van Linden and I helps coaches move past their fears related to selling at Teach Me to Sell

• Why a focus on service pays off BIG in building your business

• How you can use coaching skills in any sales situation

• What you can do first thing in the morning to make the most of your day

Let me know what you think in the comments below!